Reducing maternal mortality in south Ethiopia

In line with the Millennium Development Goal for maternal health (MDG-4 and 5), I take part in a project to support regional and local government in their work to cut maternal and neonatal deaths. The Reducing Maternal Mortality programme, which started in 2008, is today viewed as a pilot programme for Ethiopia, and efforts are under way to scale up these efforts for the whole country. It is funded by NORAD and Norwegian Lutheran Mission.

The overall development goal of this collaboration with three Regional Health Bureaus is to improve maternal health and make large decline in neonatal and maternal mortality among the target population.

The target population for this project are pregnant women in remote areas in south-west Ethiopia (Gamu Gofa Zone, Basketo Special Woreda, Saggan Zone (previous Dirashe and Konso Special Woreda), and in south-east Ethiopia (Bale Zone and the southern part of Somali Region). See Map.

The project’s aims to strengthen the antenatal services so the health extension workers can help normal deliveries, and identify and refer women in need of help during delivery to health institutions. The project shall enable health centres and hospitals to practise safe delivery. Particular attention is on intrapartum care.


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